Under normal circumstances, the chain elongation of 1/50 is normal when working, if excessive elongation will reduce the number of teeth of the sprocket, resulting in noise and damage to the chain. The elongation of the chain can be reflected by the sag value L of the loose edge. The L value is generally 2 to 4% of the center distance between the two sprockets, and when the sag is excessive, the sprocket cover should be removed and adjusted with a tensioning device.
Sleeve roller chain will stretch at work, which is due to the wear between the sleeve and the roller caused by the gap, so to use the thinner lubricating oil into the chain plate gap, the oil should be on the loose side of the chain, so that the oil into the chain plate gap, and then use cotton yarn to wipe off the excess oil, do not use butter or high-viscosity oil on the chain lubrication. That would damage the chain and sprocket by sticking to the dust. Excavator training believes that if the chain is seriously contaminated, it should be removed and cleaned with gasoline, placed in the lubricating oil for half an hour, and then fished out to wipe off the excess oil and continue to load the car. The drive chain is also the final transmission component of the road roller, and its transmission load is very large, and it is affected by the impact of driving and braking, and needs to be carefully maintained。
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